The Poetry Periodical: An Introduction

Poetry contains the heights of human joy, the depths of our sorrows, and every shade in between, distilled into language so sincere, so lovingly chosen, that nothing compares to its power to make us feel.

And yet, I know very few people who actively seek it out.

I understand why. The language is often difficult, the format can be intimidating at first glance, and honestly, not everyone is always in the mood to engage with the heights of human joys and the depths of our sorrows. The activation energy for truly reading a poem can be high.

But, I’m pretty good at minimizing that activation energy.

I have a passionate love of poetry, and I get to share it with my students all the time, but I also want to share it with you. Sign up for my mailing list below so that you can regularly receive beautiful poems in your email inbox, along with a brief explanation and analysis to make it more immediately accessible.

(This email list is separate from my blog post subscriber list, and it is free!)

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Grace Steele